Monday, April 10, 2017

FATHER - The world is waiting for you

ST PAUL SAID : "For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel."

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


What is the NEFC?  
The NEFC is a multi-day conference that brings speakers, trainers and program staff and participants in from around the country to address topics related to fathering; co-parenting, child-support, child welfare, spirituality, men’s health, education, healthy relationships, vocational supports, legal supports, and all of the other experiences that come with being an involved father.  For more information on the NEFC including dates and offerings for this year’s NEFC visit their website at  

Why is this conference 
opportunity unique?
Each year the NEFC actively recruits fatherhood practitioners and program fathers from around New England to share their stories and ideas on improving our work with fathers in our own communities.  Staff members from our program will have an opportunity to gather direct and relevant resources that will help them serve fathers and families more effectively when they return.  Program fathers may have never had the opportunity to attend a professional conference of this caliber and will make new social connections and become mentors and supports for our staff to continue their work once home.    

Who will benefit from our 
attendance at this conference?  
Year after year the organizers of the NEFC have received positive feedback on the nationally recognized speakers/instructors that provide direction and inspiration to staff of programs such as ours and directly to the fathers we serve.  Those who have attended bring home the healthy and positive messages of involving fathers in their work, striving to make lasting change for the fathers and families they serve.  Your support in this mission will improve outcomes for the fathers and families and the work that is inspired by the NEFC will result in happier, healthier children in our community.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Immigration - Order or Chaos

On this episode of Candid Conversations with Darrell Fitzgerald concerned citizens discuss President Donald J. Trump's Immigration Executive Order. - Whats your opinion? Join the conversation by leaving a comment.

Remember to Like & Share the show with your friends.

Watch Darrell on Channel 3

Dads are Vital

When you help a dad to be more involved, responsible, and committed to his child,  you help build that child's resilience.

Resilience is a critical factor in a child's ability to navigate life's challenges--to bounce back and thrive when life throws a child the inevitable curve ball.

As the video shows, researchers on child development have determined that genetic and environmental factors play a role in how resilient a child is and can become. Some children are born with more resilience than others . . . Click here to read the rest of the story 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

2 GEN Parent Academy

Two-Generational Practice (Two-Gen) helps children and parents
succeed, keeps the family together and economically strong.
At the Two-Gen Parent Academy parents learned new skills and
understood the power of their stories to affect public policy. Mothers and fathers learned about school and workforce success for their children and themselves.

Real Dads Forever 10_16

The Alliance for Marriage exists. To educate the public. On the benefits of marriage. For children adults. And the society at large. We also exist. To strengthen marriage. And to restore a culture of marriage fatherhood.


Doug Edwards says: "don't mess with the plan"
Doug  is the founder and Director of Real Dads Forever, a Fatherhood Strategies Development organization. He has facilitated for and consulted with Connecticut’s Department of Social Services, State Department of Education, Department of Children and Families, Department of Public Health, Department of Corrections, School Readiness and Head Start Centers, and many public and private schools and Family Development Centers in New England around parental involvement with a focus on fathers and family men. 
Find more here

Terry Standish says: "its all about balance"
"I help women shift how they see their image, so it becomes a more helpful process and gives each woman the knowledge and understanding they need to finally match up their vision of themselves so it works for them today and into the future." 
Find more here